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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  November 15, 2012 10:00am-11:00am EST

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very good morning to you. i'm richard lui. chris jansing is away this morning. president obama seems ready for a fight over what happened in libya and the fiscal cliff. a confident commander in chief took to the podium at the first news conference since his re-election. he pushed back on suggestions that his security team mishandled what happened in libya and defended ambassador susan rice. >> if senator mccain and senator graham and others want to go after somebody, they should go after me. and i'm happy to have that discussion with them. but for them to go after the u.n. ambassador who had nothing to do with benghazi and was simply making a presentation based on intelligence that she had received and to besmirch her
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reputation is outrageous. >>. >> and the president drew a line on taxes saying revenue must come from people who make over $250,000. >> what have i'm not going to do is extend further a tax cut for folks who don't need it, which would cost close to a trillion dollars. >> i want to bring in a columnist for the "washington post." good morning. let's start with you. over the next two days, congress is holding those closed hearings on libya. we saw a very strong defense on susan rice. do you think number one, we'll learn something from the hearings. do you think we'll hear a nomination for susan rice? >> well, it's the nomination that certainly seem to be what obama was hinting at yesterday, although he was clear he had not
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made the decision. that was an exthe record theirly strong defense in particular to accepting david petraeus' resignation so quickly. hopefully somebody will be heard about the libya hearings this week. hopefully not something tossed into the public domain the way it was on the house side earlier, which just became part of the election season. it's a serious issue. it largely involves the cia. these are not exactly things that could or should be on the front of the newspaper or the top of your broadcast. >> was the president hedging his bets by defending her so strongly should he decide not to select her? >> well, i'm sorry for me? >> yes, that's for you. >> it was -- it struck me as extraordinary the way he gave that full throated defense. there are a lot of detractors of
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susan rice on the hill that have nothing to do with the benghazi thing. it seemed like in many areas the president was doing a victory lap. he just won a bigger than expected victory last week. he's certainly giving strong hints that susan rice is his candidate. >> senator john mccain is really pushing. and you heard the sound from yesterday. i want to play what he said on the "today show." listen to this. >> by the way, i'm not taking anybody on. the american people lost four brave americans. we owe it to their families. for the president of the united states for two weeks afterwards to deny that's the case is a coverup or incompetence. either one of the two. >> we've heard this from him. from lindsay graham and kelly iot. are those just the three that feel this way? are they outlieers.
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>> i think there's a big demand to find out what happened in benghazi and to do so through a select committee. there's going to be no sharing of intelligence between the various committees who look into benghazi. so the idea is a select committee can take this on, share information and really get to the bottom of it. what republicans are saying is the obama administration has put out very conflicting stories about what happened in benghazi, when they knew about it, what they did about it and how they sort of perpetuated the idea this was a spontaneous attack. so the republicans on capitol hill are saying we only need to get through the double talk. get to the bottom of what happened. we lost an american am bas dpor. three other americans. president obama said i did everything i could as soon as we found out this is happening. then how come the whole place was left completely undefended? there's so many big ands of
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questions. that's what senator mccain was getting at yesterday when he said let's put together a committee that can look at this specifically, rather than having it scattered and half a dozen committees looking at it. this may give us a better answer faster. that's ultimately what everybody wants to keep the americans safe abroad and in the future. >> is this part of the mccain and obama conflict from 2008? >> i think mccain -- right after obama was elected in 2008, mccain really extended an olive branch. he was very conciliatory with president obama. president obama campaigned a certain way in 2008, beat mccain talking about reaching across the aisle and didn't do that. so mccain from the get go was saying, hey, you said you were going to work across the aisle. now he's just calling him on the
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carp elt. no one is more outspoken than senator mccain. >> i want to talk about taxes and the fiscal cliff. the president said he wants taxes to go up on the well think. what's your thought here? what do you make of that? is he leaving room for negotiations on the deductions? >> well, not a whole lot richard. he was basically coming back with what the position had been earlier, using the $250,000 level. well, theoretically he's open to whatever possibility somebody ask come up with, but he cast doubt on that. the danger, i suppose, is that they reach some deal on some compromise on the bush tax rates, and then never do the tax reform that everybody agrees is needed to actually restructure the thing. so there's a danger in trying to solve the problem in the short term here. they do a quick fix that doesn't really fix the system in the way
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everybody wants it too. >> and the credit rating agzsys are saying the same. they don't want this to be kicked down the road. take a listen to this. >> i do think the spirit of cooperation that you've seen over the last week from myself and my team, from democrats across the aisle, from the president, have created an atmosphere where i think that i remain optimistic. >> do you think there is a genuine feeling here that more than ever stheez guthese guys nt a deal done? >> yes, they know they need to do something. look at the jobless numbers that came out today. looking at the economy, things are not recovering as fast as people would like. looking at europe. the stock market dropped. in recent days everybody knows there's a real urgency to avoiding the fiscal cliff and
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doing something. i don't think the solution will necessarily be raising taxes on the top brackets. it seems like the loopholes are going to play a big role. capital gains, things like that. there may be an issue where they really go toe-to-toe on the tax rates and maybe there's wiggle room in the other areas. definitely an urgency to resolve this and set up the idea of overall tax reform in the coming years. >> standby, if you could. i want to bring in sheila jackson lee. so we were just talking about that with susan. would you be comfortable with the fiscal cliff that kept the rates the same but limited their deductions. >> you know, my main focus would be to ensure that the middle class are restored. in order to do that we cannot allow the bush tax cuts to continue. we must focus on saving medicare
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and social security. tax reform raises many proposals. the question of rates. the question of deductions. and i think it's dangerous to not look back and reflect on what got uz into a positive economy. it created 20 million jobs. higher rates in terms of tax rates for the healthy and created a tax scheme, if you will, a structure that protected the middle class. that's what i'm interested in along with entitlements that are a safety net for the middle class, and we're not prepared to look any way that would undermine those protective nets. in that means rates have to go higher for the wealthy, then i think the wealthy who voted for president obama in large numbers understand the mutual sacrifice necessary to build and continue to build the economy.
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it's already building. we need everyone to commit to a sacrifice for that to happen. >> the elimination of all the tax rates would raise 2 trillion dollars over ten years. that's more than 1.6 trillion that the white house is saying they want right now. that's what you're saying would be a good basis for a deal. that's what you're saying? >> what i'm saying is i don't want to immediately not look at options that would include that. but certainly the wealthy could benefit from tax credit. they could benefit from a mortgage deduction, i'm sure. there are various deductions in play that they would benefit from as well. in the instance as looking at those deductions that impact the wealthy just because of their assets, i think they should be in play. i'm not in any way looking to target those who are prosperous, except for eliminating the bush
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tax cuts over $250,000. i don't consider that target. they will get a tax cut as well. so i don't want to be boxed into the idea that everything would be eliminated, but there would be those eliminated that would be particularly in the top 1%. they would also benefit from mortgage deduction, child credit and we would have the opportunity to protect the precious safety net of medicare, medicaid, social security and give everybody a tax cut. >> i want to hit this for you finally. we're going to see david petraeus come to the hill to testify tomorrow. are you concerned over the way the fbi handled the situation so far? specifically when you look at this? do you think the president should have been told about the investigation earlier? >> well, i'm on homeland security and my first priority is to ensure the national security of this nation but as well i want to not have us forget that we lost four valiant americans and we must continue to mourn them.
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it must be a sad time for their family. but i believe in process. and i do believe there is a time when the president of the united states should be notified. however, the fbi proceeds in investigations all the times. we should have some standards as to whether or not the fbi was in order in looking at what i consider may have been private matters. if it had to do with national security or they thought a crime was in play and they had the right to do so, i don't think we have the necessary standards. it looks like we don't have a test or at least it seems that we as congresspersons are concerned, when is the test when the president should be notified? the key question today for general petraeus, i believe are two things. one, the processes that went forward to ensure the protection of americans overseas, in the line of duty of their nation. secondarily to ensure -- and i'm
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sure this question will be asked. not in the private matter of his private issues but that no national security was compromised. to date we understand in his personal matters no national security was compromised. but certainly poor judgment was exercised. and men and women of the united states military may work alongside of each other every day. we owe them a debt of gratitude. in the instance of these individuals involved in the other aspect of general petraeus' live, despite his great service and the service of the individual writing his biography, we know that poor judgment was exercised. let us not label all the military personnel in that category. today general petraeus must speak to the issues dealing with the lost lives of americans in laib ya, and he must speak to the issue that no national security was compromised. we will deal with the fbi -- and i think we should deal with the fbi, on security on the question of the line of notification.
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going forward we cannot have the white house not being informed, if it's necessary in the protection of the american people. >> the question is time. >> congresswoman sheila jackson lee, thank you so much for your time. let's go back to dana and to you susan. dana, you first. the issue about david petraeus. what was known, what happened when, the president did address the issue yesterday, though he moved on quickly. should the president have been notified earlier? >> it sounds like as a general matter, what the congresswoman is saying is correct. there should be some definition of when an investigation needs to be brought up. but certainly if the fbi is looking to something in the white house you want want them alerting the white house. in the case of petraeus, nobody is furnishing any evidence that national security was compromised in any way. which raises the question, why was this so important in the
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first place and why is this worth ending the career of the man who got us through the iraq war and has been one of the best generals. we just learned yesterday that paula broadwell was suspended. joe kelly's pass has been revoked. should we be concerned nevertheless about sensitive information being compromised here? >> well, there has apparently been a development very recently. i'm reading on the internet that it's been discovered that paula broadwell had vast amounts of classified information on her computer. which was recovered from her house in north carolina. and there's a question about why she had this information, how she got it. whether she should have it. y i know she had some kind of security clearance. apparently she had quite a bit of classified information. what did she have? if she did have a lot of information, that poses a security risk. it was on her personal computer, not in a secure location. these are important questions. everyone says, well, this was a personal matter.
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it was a personal matter until you're leaking classified information. and it warrants investigation, for sure. >> and susan, that investigation continues, although officials are telling nbc nothing has been compromised, as has been mentioned in our discussion, so far. thanks for your time today and we'll be right back. [ woman ] raise the roof! ah? raise the roof! [ male announcer ] it's our biggest toy rollback of the year. find hundreds of rollbacks on the season's hottest toys in stores now, from america's gift headquarters, walmart. in stores now, is bigger than we think ... sometimelike the flu.fer from with aches, fever and chills- the flu's a really big deal. so why treat it like it's a little cold? there's something that works differently
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can president obama and wall street mend their strained relationship? leaders of major financial firms who largely backed the president in 2008 overwhelmingly backed mitt romney this time around. but the looming fiscal cliff is bringing both sides together. the president met with a dozen corporate leaders at the white house on wednesday. some ideas offered up by observers to smooth out differences? well, first, don't pretend the problem between washington and wall street does not exist. perhaps a weekend retreat with both sides, financial and policy
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gurus. and finally criminally prosecute those on wall street who caused the financial crisis. joining me now is the man behind those ideas. william cohen is also the author of "money and power: how goldman sachs came to rule the world." let's say he does bring those ideas to bear. will business accept them? will they like them? >> look, i understand there's a lot of animosity out there towards wall street and justifiably so. if it weren't for wall street chances are pretty good we wouldn't have gotten into the financial problems of 2007 and 2008. the time for the behavior and figuring out what they should have done is over. the market has been down nearly every day since the president was reelected. up a little bit today. the fiscal cliff or curve or whatever it is looms. it's time for wall street in washington. >> will they like the ideas that you wrote out there?
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>> no. of course they like the idea of working together. they won't like the idea of being prosecuted. i think they go hand in hand. they need to be prosecuted for wrong doing. that has not happened yet. after the savings and loan crisis in 1977 and '78, 3,500 wall streeters were put in jail. this time, zero. it's a matter of prosecution and getting these people held accountable. do that and also learn to work together. in the real world it's important for washington and wall street to work together. >> the fiscal cliff as well as taxes, talked about by the president. what does business want on these two issues? >> you know what, i think despite all of their backing of mitt romney who of course wanted to cut their taxes. i think in reality leaders of wall street as was poibtd nted yesterday, are prepared to pay more in taxes. i hear that wherever i go.
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wealthy people are willing to pay more in taxes. they also want to see it combined with prudent spending cuts that show fiscal responsibility. you know, don't forget bill crystal said last week on fox that when taxes were raised in the reagan administration, he didn't say when taxes were raised in the clinton administration. the economy took off. so i think leaders -- >> it's possible. it's definitely possible. >> talk about the spirit of compromise that he had mentioned. what does the president get here out of this in if he gets business leaders on board to get republicans to deal? if he gets them on board, will it force republicans to deal? >> we've seen repeatedly the republicans are seen on their own planetary orbit. if you get wealthy americans to say to them that you have to cut a deal, i think what is really
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important here is you need to show fiscal responsibility. there's 1 trillion to $2 trillion of gas sitting on the sidelines. and they want to be invested in this country, in growing businesses, in building new equipment. >> does this show us therefore we might be seeing what you just described? release some of the 1.2 trillion dlarz? >> if we can show fiscal responsibility, yes. we still get to keep american businesseses competitive. can we have that together? >> i bet we can. i bet the stock market will take off and the economy will improve rapidly if we get our act together. >> a lot of people like your positive message. thank you so much. >> all right. >> president obama is moments away from lifting off for new york city. he's headed to staten island. he will be thanking their first responders. take a look at the recovery efforts that are ongoing. governor kwau moe asked for $30 billion from the government to help recover. 43 people died in new york city
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as a result of the storm. 23 on staten island alone. look, if you have copd like me, you know it can be hard to breathe, and how that feels. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open for 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better.
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(blowing sound) ask your doctor about spiriva. oh, let me guess --ou see this? more washington gridlock. no, it's worse -- look, our taxes are about to go up. not the taxes on our dividends though, right? that's a big part of our retirement. oh, no, it's dividends, too. the rate on our dividends would more than double. but we depend on our dividends to help pay our bills. we worked hard to save. well, the president and congress have got to work together to stop this dividend tax hike. before it's too late.
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bp will be slapped with what could be the biggest criminal penalty in u.s. history over the 2010 gulf oil spill that killed 11 people hen the deep water horizon water rig exploded. it's worth billions of dollars. two employees are expected to face manslaughter charges. bp will also plead guilty to obstruction for lying to congress about how much oil was pouring into the water. officialing tell nbc news the deal between bp and the department of justice will be announced later today. we'll be right back when we come back. when a twinge of back pain surprises him. morning starts in high spirits, but there's a growing pain in his lower back. as lines grow longer, his pain continues to linger. but after a long day of helping others, he gets some helpful advice. just two aleve have the strength
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to keep back pain away all day. today, jason chose aleve. just two pills for all day pain relief. try aleve d for strong, all day long sinus and headache relief.
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try aleve d for strong, all day long social security are just numbers thinkin a budget.d... well, we worked hard for those benefits. we earned them. and if washington tries to cram decisions about the future... of these programs into a last minute budget deal... we'll all pay the price. aarp is fighting to protect seniors with responsible... solutions that strengthen medicare and... social security for generations to come. we can do better than a last minute deal... that would hurt all of us. the president is dealing with another potential crisis, and that's israel, gaza and egypt. he called israeli prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu yesterday. just moments ago we learn that had a rocket reached the outskirts of telaviv. rockets killed three israelis today. in retaliation for israel keeling hamas' chief. as we look at this, just since wednesday, some 200 rockets have been flown from gaza into southern israel. what's the latest? >> that's right, richard. good morning to you. just a short while ago the military here on the radio station claimed responsibility for the rocket that landed at the southern tip of tel-aviv. it also raises questions about the ongoing operation which is aimed to stop the rocket fire. it certainly hasn't been able to suppress it entirely. this did not start with yesterday's scaling of the military commander. in fact, he was buried today.
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thousands of people attended his funeral. for them it's been an ongoing conflict over several days. earlier in the week israel ca y carried out several air strikes. that fuelled the latest round of violence. and it is one that is now continuing for at least the third straight day and one that u.s. president obama is trying to deal with. they have started cease fires in the past with israel. they're now heavily gauged in trying to put a truth in place following the deadly assassination of the leader. they're also obsessed with israel carrying out the attack. egypt has been leading calls in the international community to convene a meeting today as well as yesterday's security council meeting. they say it's only going to exacerbate the situation here. and lead to further violence. and that's what we're seeing unfold. today another palestinian rocket landed in the southern part of
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israel, killing three palestinians. israel as well is carrying out air strikes here. so this is an ongoing cycle of violence that only threatens to widen. >> >> very serious situation there in gaza. thank you so much. democrats and republicans are both taking aim at mitt romney, who told donors who lost because president obama handed out big gifts. >> what the president, president's campaign did was focus on certain members of his base coalition, give them extraordinary financial gifts from the government, and then work very aggressively to turn them out to vote. >> romney said the forgiveness of college loan interest was a big gift for college loan voters. he said they were very big with young college age women. and romney said free health care was a big plus. some fellow republicans were quit to reject romney's
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assessment. louisiana governor bobby jindal, incoming chair of the governor's association says, quote, i think that's wrong. we have to stop dividing the american voters. we need to go after 100% of the votes, not 53%. and we need to continue to show how our policies helped every voter out there achieve the american dream. which is to be in the middle class. let's bring in our strategy panel, american spectator, contributor, editor j.p.freher. let's start with you, jp. the romney campaign saying he was e will be rating on what he said about the campaign's eftd to target key demographics. most specifically women. are free gifts what sealed the deal for president obama? >> well, i don't think this explains what happens in new hampshire. if you look at the turnout in ohio, for instance, romney had
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fewer votes than mccain. so it doesn't actually explain all that much regarding his loss. i think that romney is just sort of falling back on some bad advice, which he had been receiving through the campaign. it's a real shame. it also positions the party very poof poorly. i think what governor jindal said is very correct. we failed to articulate why republican proposals can really help the poor. how it could help various groups in america. it can help the economy. and that's a story that really didn't get out there in this election, and the republican party needs to get better at doing that. >> jp, senior obama campaigned a virz david action l roll sent out this tweet in response, saying still looking for america through that 47% prism that tells donors to take him in. do romney's remarks hurt republicans at a time when they're trying to reach out to minority voters? trying to change the narrative here? >> it hurts. unfortunately for romney, he's going to play much less of a
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roll in the party now that his bid is over, now that he lost the election. i think people like bobby jindal will have a much louder voice. i think it's a little bit of a step back. but bobby jindal is putting forward the right kind of message, which is the republican party should be going after 100% of voters, not just 53%. >> and governor jindal was visibly annoyed by mitt romney ease comments. but the question may be, did he do a good job in speaking for republicans, trying to find a way forward? a different way? >> i think governor jindal said all things. the test will come in the months and years about the positions the republican party will have to change. the first test in the fiscal cliff negotiation. are they going to continue to insist that the people at the top who make the most money should not participate in solving the problem. are they going to insist in the beginning of next year when we turn to immigration reform that they're not going to help solve the problem of coming up with a comprehensive immigration reform
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bill. the problem for the republicans is they have to change positions. when they change positions people in the base will be very unhappy, and it's going to divide the party. but governor jindal is saying all the right things. the questions will be do the actions follow his words? >> also looking back to try to understand what happened during the 2012 election, running mate paul ryan, as you know, said urban voters gave the president the big margin to win. the critics are saying this is about questioning the democratic get out the vote efforts and mirntds. is it? >> no. when you look at the numbers, that's not really the reason they lost the election. i think they lost the election for two reasons. one, because they were out of step with the majority of american people and two because some of the positions were wrong and people disagreed with them. the reason hispanic voters didn't vote for republicans by a huge margin was because they disagreed with their position. the reason young people did not vote for republicans by a big margin was they disagreed with a lot of their social issue positions on gay and lesbian
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issues. and so the republicans faced the reality that they're going to have to listen to the american people and change some of their substantive policy positions if they're going to attract these voters. >> you know, j.p., they also lost some largely world battleground states with majorities like new hampshire and iowa. is it really just talking about the examples cited? specifically ohio and virginia? >> think it's worthwhile that the republican party left a lot of voters on the table. they didn't pursue everyone. paul ryan said he wanted to go to inner cities and talk about the economic message. that's something the party should be doing. i understand what steve is talking about regarding not being agreed with by young voters, but let's be honest. was the romney campaign going after all of the people that it could have? absolutely not. so there was an outreach effort that they had never bothderred to approach. and that's something the republican party will have to do better with in the coming years. >> thank you so much.
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>> thank you. also making news, 17 european countries are now officially in a recession. the european union says the 17-country eurozone economy shrank by 0.1% in the third quarter. that's the second time in a row it shrank this year in spain demonstrators broke windows and threw bottles at police. the unemployment rate is over 25% in spain right now. is it history for hostess? the demise of ding-dongs. aman amanda is here with what's moving your money. there goes the late night snacks. the hostess brand that makes the twinkies filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy back in january. now that they are going to seek to lick we did the company
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unless enough workers stop striking by 5:00 p.m. to resume the normal operation. if liquidation is the option that they go for, they would begin the operations as soon as november 20th. as to why the strike, just a bit of background in the information for your here, richard. it's the members of the bakery tobacco workers in the international union. they went on strike in november 9th. so 5:00 p.m. today we'll find out if we still get twin keys or not. >> it's a good thing the twin keys last a long time. let's talk wal-mart. they're going gourmet. >> they're going gourmet. they have a new service. it's a male subscription service called goodies. it lets you try new foods for $7 a month. for that $7 you get a box of 5 to 8 sample food items. and these products are not currently carried on wal-mart
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shelves. it's really testing out to see what the customer likes. and wal-mart did start testing the service about three months ago. they already have 3,000 subscribe subscribers. you can get items like pumpkin souffle and dark chocolate infused bars. >> that's starting to sound like the boxes we get on the airline. >> if you're lucky. >> thank you so much. as always. >> see you tomorrow. as politicians wrangle over what to do about the economy, forbes is out with the top list of businesses and the u.s. does not take the top ten. number five, canada. number four, singapore. number three, hong kong. number two, denmark. and the best country for business, new zealand. forbes saying they have a great climate for entrepreneurs. the united states ranked number 12 this year. lists all done. raise the roof!
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well, having a ton of locations doesn't hurt. and my daughter loves the santa. oh, ah sir. that is a customer.
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head and neck cancer patients often suffer from dry mouth. patients who underwent weekly acupuncture were more likely to say the symptoms improved, although no physical increase in saliva production republican governors are holding a two-day meeting in las vegas to examine why mitt romney lost and how to build the party to deliver an effective message and the rest of the party may want to pay close attention. republican governors added one majority to now totalling 30. now sitting republican governor seats were lost in the last election. they picked up north carolina, the state that has not elected a republican fwov nor since the 1980s. joining me now is the executive
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editor of the national journal hot line. you're basically saying in your piece that for some level here, republican governors are able to moderate what other republicans are not able to. you look at 30 out of 50 governorships that are republican, what is happening on the gubernatorial level that's different than the congressional and national levels? >> well, richard, it's remarkable you're seeing all this soul searching taking place, but when you look at the the republican governors, they can point to something of a policy agenda in some cases that has won support from both sides of the aisle. you look at chris christie in new jersey who has a lot of national celebrity. but he was able to cut spending and reform the pension system in the first year while getting democratic support for the initiative. you look at bobby jindal saying he needs to reform in the wake of mitt romney's loss. he's taken the lead on education reform and received very
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positive reviews for his handling of the recovery in the wake of hurricane katrina. so you have the republican governors getting things done and providing a model of how they can transition. >> on the map right now california is reading blue in terms of the gubernatorial leading, but california, for instance, has had a whole series of republican governors. we have pennsylvania. we have new jersey, as you just mentioned. are all of these republican governors successful for very different reasons? >>. >> there's a whole swath of policy interests. and another thing that you can look at with the republican gubernatorial is diversity. you have hispanic governors in nevada. they won election of 2010. susanna martinez who got rave reviews for the convention speech at the the republican
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national convention. you see the republican wing in congress being very, very white. a lot of males dominating the caucus. on the governor's side you have a lot of hispanic and indiana-american governor es showing the way. >> you make the point that four of the five women serving as governors in 2013 are republicans. you look at large majorities of african-americans. latino and asian americans voting democratic, the question may be how important for the gop's future are women and minority governors to the party, and they clearly have more at this point than actually the democrats do at that level? >> yeah, it's really remarkable when you look at the the governors and how they have a much more diversity and ethnicity and in gender. and it's a real model when you look at the the exit polling data showing how badly romney underperformed with female voters and how he just did terribly with hispanics and asian-americans. you look at -- if identity is going to be a big factor in the
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upcoming election. you can look at susan martinez and bobby jindal. >> why wasn't he able to leverage that on the balance of power on the gubernatorial level? >> what jindal said today is very revealing. he said romney ran too much on his biography and not enough on policy. you'll hear more from the diverse set of governors on policy and reform more than being a fix-it businessman as romney was. >> because the ground games. >> they do. and many are up for re-election in 2014. if they win, someone like susan martinez or sandoval wins the re-election, expect to hear a lot about them in the national landscape. >> a lot of interesting possibles from the state house. thank you so much. >> thanks, richard. today's tweet of the day makes a prediction about one of the gop's governors. bound in trade doesn't have a prediction. market going on for bobby jindal, as gop's 2016 nominee because i bet that baby would be
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developing news right now, passengers with united airlines say they're being stranded at airports across the country because of a computer problem. the a.p. saying passengers were told by pilots and airport agents that the computer system is down and they don't know when it will come back. united tweeted there is a computer issue affecting some of the flights and it's working to fix that problem. we'll watch that for you. china is unveiling new leadership. this was announced as a communist party's new secretary today. xi's apointment was expected and analysts say it will most likely not bring any changes. . to politics now where they're ready for the capitol hill close-up. a couple of hours ago it was class picture today for the freshman lawmakers. they are going through two weeks of orientation right now. kathleen sebelius has been slapped with a subpoena from the
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house, ways and means committee. the committee wants her to reveal details of how taxpayer dollars are being used to promote the health care law. actress jada pinkett-smith was on the the hill for the launch of the senate caucus to end human trafficking. politico says she also has plans to visit the white house. president obama is thinking lincoln. later this evening he'll coast the cast and the crew of of the new movie for a special screening at the white house. and that's all for ron paul. the former presidential contender and long time congressman from texas gave what will likely be his last speech on the house floor. >> our constitution which was intended to limit government power and abuse has failed. the founders in a free society depends on a virtuous and moral people. the current crisis reflects that their concerns were justified. >> it's hard to imagine congress without ron paul. he says he will continue to
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spread his libertarian message in a series of speeches on college campuses. thomas roberts up next. hey, thomas. >> good morning to you. good morning, everybody. lots of moving parts this morning. the president on the move an arriving in new york city. the next hour, touring storm damage of sandy all around new york. meanwhile back in d.c. the house intel committee is holding a closed door meeting on benghazi minus general david petraeus. we have new details about when and where he will be testifying. and did mitt romney have another foot-in-mouth moment? while american leaders are deeming his divisive. now with a fancy coating that gives you a burst of wildberry flavor. now why make a flavored heartburn pill? because this is america. and we don't just make things you want, we make things you didn't even know you wanted. like a spoon fork. spray cheese. and jeans made out of sweatpants. so grab yourself some new prilosec otc wildberry. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. satisfaction guaranteed
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military commander was killed. the latest struck a tel-aviv structure in the last hour. and benjamin netanyahu has come out with very strong words. >> no government will tolerate a situation where nearly one-fifth of the people look under a c constant barrage of rockets and missile fire. israel will continue to take whatever action is necessary to defend our people. >> now the big concern, could this turn into a ground war. fill us in. what does netanyahu mean about this because obviously they are being pushed, but how far could this go? >> well, we have a precedence for you. in 2008 we saw what the israeli military did. it was only 18 days back then of aerial bombardments, there was a ground movement. h there are indications they have called up reserves to the southern part of the country.


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